Black Lives Matter運動を語らう会
日時・場所 Date Time Location
2020年7月18日 10:00 – 11:00 JST
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ニュースでは取り上げられる事は少なくなりましたが、Black Lives Matter (BLM: ブラック・ライヴズ・マター、黒人の命を尊重しろ)運動は各地で続けられています。6月21日には福岡でも約400人が平和行進に集まりました。私たちが特に大事に思うオークランド市でも、5月末から抗議活動が続いています。
ただ、「Global Citizen / 地球市民」の育成を目的とする団体として、BLM運動について各自の思っていることや感じていることを安心して共有できる場を設けたいと考えました。
FOFA会長 後藤太一
Hi Everyone,
Our sincerest sympathies to the relatives of the victims and to all those who are suffering the consequences of the recent floodings in Japan.
We are hosting another online conversation circle this month.
Although news coverage may have become less focused on Black Lives Matter, the movement continues in many places. On June 21st, Black Lives Matter event in Fukuoka drew around 400 participants. And the communities of Oakland continues to raise their voices for justice and anti-racism.
As cries for justice continues, FOFA would like to invite you to join in a conversation on anti-black racism.
As a citizen group, FOFA considers Black Lives Matter movement as a human-rights issue. And as an organization that strives to nurture Global Citizens and to offer co-learning opportunities, our aim is to create a safe space to share and discuss any thoughts and feelings you have had while watching, listening to, reading about, and/or participating Black Lives Matter movements.
Our next event is set at a time that is compatible for both Japan and Pacific Time Zones.
Though it will be a short event, we hope many of you will join us in the trans-Pacific conversation on this important issue.
You're welcome to speak in Japanese and English. (There won't be an interpreter, but our bilingual members will provide support.)
To RSVP, please click on the Green Button below and provide us with your First and Last Name, and your email address.
Taichi Goto
FOFA President